In a previous blog, I talked about why you need social media, as well as a website. You update and maintain your social media platforms, but do you realise you need to do the same for your website? When I first created a website for a client, they were delighted and thought that was that. I had to tell them, sorry you can’t just publish a website and leave it floating around, not being maintained. I had to try and explain to them why they need to update it. It needs to be taken care of and updated. They were a bit surprised and then it dawned on them that they would have to look after it. So, I gave them two options – get some training or have it managed.

1) Get some training on how to maintain website
They decided to get some training and have a better understanding of how to do things. Like for example be able to navigate the backend dashboard, add content, add pages, add blogs, have clickable links, update their plugins, SEO, use the right tone of voice for their business, analytics, optimised for social media, mobile and more… They became a lot more confident and realised how important it was to be able to navigate their website. They found that their online presence improved, they got more customers and expanded their business! It is important that as a business owner that you are able to understand how your website works. Being able to know how to update it, how to add content and have the right keywords and terms. Also, when it comes to people contacting you, having an email address such as info@………, which is accessible to you and which you can reply to your enquiries on, is really important. I can’t emphasise it enough!
2) Get it managed
More and more business owners are really busy with lots of other things to consider and having their website managed for them can be one less thing to worry about. Remember a website is your online shop window and it’s important to keep it fresh and engaging with the right tone of voice and relevant content. Apart from it being up to date for example with a blog or special offers, video and images, a business website needs social media links correctly linked to the correct social media account. Nothing worse than clicking a social media link and it doesn’t go anywhere! Having social media share buttons, so that your audience can share your content is important to have too. Having links also to other businesses, suppliers and related organisations will give your website and business more credibility. Then there are other important features to consider such as; updated stock on an e-commerce site, plugins, keeping an eye on your analytics and making sure your security software is up to par. I could keep on going with other reasons to have your website managed, but then I could totally bore you and I don’t want to do that!
To conclude
All in all, there is no point in having a website and not looking after it. Having some training will give you confidence when it comes to for example updating and adding content to your it. If you do decide to have your website managed, my advice is sit down with the person who will be looking after it and get a good flavour of what yours is about. Ask them to show you how to navigate it. If you found this blog of interest check out some more here and you can find us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram! If you would like to have some training or have your website managed, get in touch we have lots of options for you. We also offer social media training and social media management, a bit of a one-stop shop if you like!