5 social media mistakes to avoid for your funeral home

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As a Funeral Director, you’re committed to helping families at their time of need. And with the rise and popularity of social media, it has become important to show that online as well. Social media is ever changing. The good news is you can avoid some common social media mistakes with a little effort. And […] ...

Social Media mistakes training advice wooden blocks with social media icons

As a Funeral Director, you’re committed to helping families at their time of need. And with the rise and popularity of social media, it has become important to show that online as well. Social media is ever changing. The good news is you can avoid some common social media mistakes with a little effort. And use social media to enhance the online reputation of your Funeral home. Here are five social media mistakes to avoid to keep you on track.

What should you avoid?

1. Your social media accounts that aren’t complete or up to date.

No matter how many social media accounts you have, you need to confirm that you’ve completed them. And that is all information is up to date. Everyday people search on social media and will expect a professional presence. So it’s important to have all your accounts set up, up to date and complete.

2. Ignoring feedback and comments

Social media is a two way street. So, it’s essential to respond to family members and follower feedback and comments. Negative perceptions and poor engagement can arise by ignoring them. Check your accounts, reply to comments and messages each day. Engage on social media and this will show your audience how much you value them. This can lead to building brand loyalty and increase your following.

3. Not being consistent with posting.

Your Funeral home needs to be consistent with social media posts. The benefits are many. Such as building a strong online presence gaining followers and audience trust. Consistent posting keeps your Funeral home top of mind. Provides the opportunity to share important information.  A chance to interact with your audience and develop a sense of community. So establish a regular posting schedule and deliver relevant and meaningful content. From there your Funeral home can develop a loyal social media following.

4. Content that does not engage

Content is King. Engagement is Queen. To gain engagement, likes comments, shares etc… people must relate to what you are posting. Having a mix of different types of content is important. Share for example:

Educational content:

  • Funeral planning tips
  • Grief and loss supportive material
  • History and development of funeral services

Informational content:

  • History of, services and products offered by the funeral home
  • Death Notices
  • Community and support groups/events

Emotional content:

  • Inspirational/motivational quotes
  • Memorial tributes to loved ones
  • Customer testimonials/stories

Having a good mix of visual content will engage. This can cover a wide range to things with photos and short-form video. Share about your funeral home, your team, as well as stories about you and your day as posts, Stories, Reels, and even LIVE video. Selected content can encourage interaction between your audience and your funeral home. And help build a greater connection with your community.

5. Not having a social media strategy

An effective social media strategy can benefit your funeral home’s business. Brand awareness will increase with a consistent social media presence. While posting content for free is great, you also need to incorporate paid ads. Paid ads can help your funeral home stand out from other funeral homes. Reaching people who are looking for funeral services. Those researching pre-planning a funeral. Also, help build your online community and engage prospective families. And even attract future employees.

To create a successful social media strategy, there are essential factors to focus on, such as:

  • A clear understanding of your intended audience.
  • Your branding and messaging should be consistent.
  • Engagement opportunities for your audience with a combination of relevant content.
  • Constant review and strategy changes based on your performance metrics

Create a social media strategy that supports your objectives. You’ll stay on the right path and be able to use social media more as a result.

To Conclude

Avoiding these 5 mistakes can help your Funeral home be able to look professional online. Use social media as an efficient and effective online and communication tool. Assist with engaging more with local and global communities. Stay top of mind and build relationships.

Are you finding it a challenge to market your funeral business?

I will work with you to understand your unique needs. I will develop a plan with you that will help you market your funeral services. We will look at online and offline marketing opportunities for your business. I will help you understand the best way to attract new families and future staff.  Book a free consultation and let’s have a chat. For more information, check out my Services, book a call or email me at eimer@fitsocialmedia.ie. Thanks for reading and if you found this useful do check out more of my Blogs and Resources.

Social Media mistakes training advice wooden blocks with social media icons
Tags:brand loyalty | branding | content strategy | customer testimonials | educational content | emotional content | engagement | funeral home | funeral services | informational content | live video | messaging | paid ads | posts | reels | social media mistakes | social media presence | social media strategy | stories | targeted audience | visual content

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