This is a very good question. I got asked this by a client. I said a blog is a great way to connect with your online community. And share information about your funeral home / business. When people are searching for a funeral home online, they want to see and read that you are an expert in your field. Having a blog can do that.
What is a blog?
A blog is generally a web page that contains a list of topical posts/articles. These are usually displayed in reverse chronological order. The most recent one appearing first.
What are the benefits?
It can help you build trust online. Answering the questions people have and show that you are an expert in the funeral industry. You will be able to inform and educate new families. Also continue to engage families you have served and attract your future team. From there build relationships, footfall to your door and grow your Funeral home business. People are more likely to remember your funeral business if they have read a blog post they enjoyed.
Blog content can be picked up by Google and other search engines, and help drive traffic to your website. Regular blogs keep your website active and fresh. This is good for both search engine ranking and user engagement.
What to write about on your Funeral Home blog?
As a funeral director, you have a unique perspective on death and grieving. You can use your blog to share your insights with the world. Your blog can also be a place to share practical information about funeral planning. For example, you could write about how to choose a coffin or how to plan a memorial service. Share your knowledge and expertise, you can help people through difficult times in their lives. If you are looking for blog inspiration, consider writing about:
– Your funeral home’s history
– Why you became a funeral director
– Grief and loss
– Funeral planning tips
– Death rituals from around the world
– Memories of loved ones who have passed away
– Repatriation
– What to wear to a funeral
– How to cope with the death of a pet
Your blog can be a place to celebrate life, even in the face of death. By sharing your stories etc… you can help others to appreciate the preciousness of life. When it comes to blog content, focus on evergreen topics. So always relevant no matter when someone reads it.
Your funeral blog and social media
Posting your blog on your social media accounts is one of the most important things you can do. By using social media to promote your blog, you can reach a larger audience. Connect with potential families and different generations from all over the world. If people enjoy reading your blog, they are more likely to share your blog via social media.
When you post your blog on social media, make sure to use relevant hashtags so people can find your content. Examples might include:
If you would like more information on how to use hashtags click here. And you will get your very own Hashtag Handbook straight into your email inbox.
Blogging is a great way to connect with your online community. Helping build relationships by providing informative and thoughtful blog content. You can show that you are an expert in your field and increase trust with your audience. With relevant keywords you can ensure that your blog is found by people who are searching for information about funeral services.
Want help with blogging to reach more people?
If you are a Funeral Director, Celebrant or Supplier looking to start a blog, I can help. For more information, visit the website, book a call or email me at
Are you finding it a challenge to market your funeral business?
I will work with you to understand your unique needs and develop a plan with you that will help
you market your funeral services. We will look at online and offline marketing opportunities for
your business. I will help you understand the best way to attract new customers and families
and future staff. Book a free consultation and let’s have a chat.
And here are the services I provide:
– Marketing Advice Session
– Blogging
– Silver Plan
– Gold Plan
– Platinum Plan
My Blog and more
If you would like to read a few of my blogs click here. I have other resources such as a podcast which you might find interesting. And if you would like some weekly updates here’s where you can sign up.
Thanks for reading.