Why do you need a Frequently Asked Questions page on your website?

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Do you need Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) on your website? Starting to wonder why you need an FAQ page on your website? And then what questions and answers do you add? Here are some questions to consider adding and then answer them like you would if someone was speaking to you. Starting with the main […] ...

Why do you need a Frequently Asked Questions page on your website

Do you need Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) on your website? Starting to wonder why you need an FAQ page on your website? And then what questions and answers do you add? Here are some questions to consider adding and then answer them like you would if someone was speaking to you. Starting with the main questions you get asked and as time goes on you can add to them.

I normally write about social media topics, but the topic of Frequently Asked Questions has arisen for me and so I thought I would share what I am working on as it might be helpful to someone else who is maybe working on their first website. So, I have finally sat down to work on putting together content for my new website. I know, it’s really hard as you have to figure out what you want to say on your Home page, About page as well as the other important pages that have to be on your navigation menu. The first website I had I created myself it took time and I thought I had done a pretty good job, until now. This year I decided to upgrade my website and so after much research found a website developer who I felt I could work with and take me to the next level.

So here I am starting to go through the process, one of the things to provide is a Frequently Asked Questions page. I had a moment where I had to think what questions do I get asked most and then wondered what should I put down and how many? Do you have a FAQ page? Can I ask you, do you think about what questions your customer ask you the most? Up until now, I hadn’t thought of creating a FAQ page. My web developer reminded me that it’s important to have a FAQ page as a point of reference for customers to review. To find out more about what you offer and answer the questions they might have, before contacting you. So here are my FAQs so far, I know as time goes on I know there will be more questions and I will continue to update them.

Frequently Asked Questions page - woman holding phone searching questions in google

Frequently Asked Questions (so far)….

How do I get in touch with you?
You can get in touch by phone, email, message or book an exploration call online here.

What happens next?
Once you get in touch you can book a free 20-minute exploration call and from there, I, Eimer Duffy will see how I can help you. After you will receive an exploration questionnaire so that I can get a picture of your current online presence. I will contact you afterwards and provide you with different options for you to choose from. For example; Power Hour, Consultation, Training programme or one of my Enhancement services. For more information see here or you can book an exploration call.

How much do your services cost?
Every business is different. Following a detailed assessment, I can provide you with different solutions. Depending on your needs I can provide Power Hours, a social media consultation, a bespoke social media training programme or some social media enhancement. For more information see here or you can book an exploration call.

What does a social media consultant do?
As a social media consultant, I tailor advice and give guidance to help with visibility and growth. Provide support and help build your confidence in using social media for your business. To engage your audience, expand your reach and convert more leads into sales. For more information see here or you can book an exploration call.

How long does a social media consultation take?
About 20 minutes. I have developed a successful exploration process to gain a full understanding of the challenges you have in the area of social media. From this assessment, you have peace of mind with guidance on what to do next. You can choose extra support:
● Invest in a more in-depth and tailored social media consultation video call.
● Have a series of weekly or monthly consultations.
● A training programme or programmes covering your social media needs.
● Extra supportive annual programmes for you to choose from.
For more information see here or you can book an exploration call.

What is Power Hour?
A Power Hour is a combined consultation with training which is focused on a specific need. You can book a one-off or a series of Power Hours set either a week apart or once a month. For more information see here or you can book an exploration call.

What does social media training involve?
As a qualified QQI trainer, I provide training in the area of social media as a business tool for business development, visibility and growth. I tailor courses and programmes to suit the needs and knowledge levels of my clients from beginners upwards, online or face to face. I devise and deliver bespoke social media courses which reduce variable business costs through staff development and training, where they will gain confident use of social media with the goals of a better online presence and reducing advertising costs. For more information see here or you can book an exploration call.

What are the types of training do you provide?
I provide training on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Google My Business. With a choice of two options of one-to-one training and group training. One-to-one social media training is very popular with solopreneurs and small business owners as it is focused on that business and can work with your busy schedule rather than attend as part of a group workshop. The sessions are two hours long via Zoom and a week apart or face to face where possible. Group social media training is very attractive to the corporate market and semi-state bodies, as part of their staff development with a group trained together, focusing on their digital communication skills and team building so that everyone is on the same page. Group training is delivered either as half days or full days. For more information see here or you can book an exploration call.

What is social media enhancement?
Social media enhancement is the process of ensuring your social media channels are fully completed. Business accounts look more professional, increases visibility, will engage and attract more. People buy from people, businesses and organisations they trust, so having an enhanced channel will encourage more followers and interest in who you are, how you can help your customers, what you offer, and lead to more sales. For more information see here or you can book an exploration call.

Can you optimise my social media platforms for me?
Yes, I can do that for you, ensuring that all aspects of your social media business accounts are optimised and ready for you to post and engage with your audience knowing that your social media channels are looking their very best. For more information see here or you can book an exploration call.

How do I book?
Instructions for booking online can be found here. If you are not able to book online that is fine, get in contact by telephone or email eimer@fitsocialmedia.ie to secure your booking. From there you will receive a confirmation email with a calendar invite.

What way do you accept payment?
PayPal, Stripe and via bank transfer. You will be issued an invoice and receipt once payment is received

Do you have any Terms and Conditions?
Concerning the Terms and Conditions, you can find out more information here.

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To Conclude

As I said, I had a good think about my Frequently Asked Questions which I get asked and I will continue to add to them. I now see it does make a lot of sense to have a list of questions with answers for your customers or potential customers to refer to. So if you were wondering should you have an FAQ page, I say, yes put one together and keep updating it. I am looking forward to my new website going LIVE and hope the answers to my frequently asked questions are helpful. All the very best with creating your Frequently Asked Questions as it is an interesting element to add to a website.

Thank you for taking the time to read this and if you liked this blog, why not check out a few more here. For more tips why not follow me on FacebookInstagramLinkedIn and Twitter! If you would like the idea of listening to a show where they talk about social media for business simply then why not tune into the radio show called “Let’s Get Social” on Dublin South FM every Friday 2pm (GMT time), which I host with the amazing social media strategist Phillip Twyford (aka “The Curly Marketer“), who even throws in the odd terrible social media joke (and yes he does keep trying!). And if you can’t catch the radio show why not subscribe to the podcast on: – Spotify – iTunes – Podbean and the Dublin South FM website so do go check us out!

If you would like some help with social media consultancy, training or enhancement do let me know. I would be so happy to see how I can help you. Take care and stay safe everyone. Thanks for reading!

Tags:Do I need an FAQ page for my website?

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