How To Target Organically on Facebook?

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Would you like to promote your business for free right now? Getting your latest posts on your Facebook Business Page seen organically (for free) is getting harder and harder. This is where a lot of businesses then decide to pay for an advertisement. But there is a way to help get your posts in front […] ...

How To Target Organically on Facebook

Would you like to promote your business for free right now? Getting your latest posts on your Facebook Business Page seen organically (for free) is getting harder and harder. This is where a lot of businesses then decide to pay for an advertisement. But there is a way to help get your posts in front and into the newsfeed of your current audience. How about targeting your current audience like as if you were creating a Facebook Ad and it won’t cost you anything. Do you like the sound of that?

So for example; say you have a new blog, exciting product launch, an event coming up or some exciting new and you wanted to target people in your audience who would be interested, here’s how you can do it:

  1. Head over to your Facebook Business Page and click on “Settings” top right of your screen.
  2. Find “General” on the left-handside of the screen and then click on “Audience Optimization for Posts”.
General facebook settings How To Target Organically on Facebook

Find “Audience Optimization for Posts” and click the little checkbox “Allow News Feed targeting and the ability to restrict the audience for your posts” (see below, which in default is not clicked).

Audience filter facebook How To Target Organically on Facebook

Then click “Save Changes”.

Audience optimisation for facebook

Go to “Publishing Tools” in your Facebook Business Page this is along the top of the page, click on “+ create” and write a post as you would normally.

How To Target Organically on Facebook
  • Create your post and added your image or video etc….
  • Click on “Public” and you are given the following choices:

    – Public
    – Restricted Audience
    – News Feed Targeting
public facebook post

6. Click on “News Feed Targeting” (and ignore “Public” and “Restricted Audience”).

news feed targetting facebook

You can now widen your organic reach and target as if you were paying for an ad without paying for an ad. 

facebook targetting by interests on Facebook
  • Interests

    Add-in using the “Suggestions” for example “Social Media” and you will get lots of options.

    Or select “Browse” and you are given:

    – Business and Industry
    – Entertainment
    – Family and Relationships
    – Food and Drink
    – Hobbies and Activities
    – Shopping and Fashion
    – Sports and Outdoors
    – Technology

    Then you can continue to target with the following:

    – Age
    – Gender
    – Locations
    – Languages
    – More Demographics such as Relationship Status and Education Level

After you have tried this a few times, have a look at your Facebook Insights and see what results you get regarding engagement.

So why not try to target organically for free

And if you want to make sure your Facebook Business Page is fully optimised click here. If you found this blog of value, why not have a look at some of my other blogs. You can find other blogs I have written here.

Why not follow me on FacebookTwitterLinkedInPinterest and of course Instagram! Have lots of updates and new tips!

Interested in having your social media business pages optimised or would like some “one to one” or “paired” training, or do a workshop? Why not get in touch and I will be delighted to see how I can help you!

Thanks for reading!

Tags:County Meath | Dublin | Facebook for Business | Facebook For Business Training | FIT Social Media | Meath | Organic Targeting | Organic Targeting on Facebook | Posting Organically | Social Media for Business Owners | Social Media for Business Training | Social Media Personal Trainer | Social Media Training | Social Media training Dublin | Social Media Training Meath

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