What to have in a Tweet?

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“What should be in a Tweet?” Here is an overview (keeping it short and sweet like a tweet) to start with, when it comes to what to have in a tweet. In a tweet, you have only got 280 characters, which is less space compared to other social media postings. So for example when you […] ...

What to have in a Tweet best content FIT Social Media marketing tips

“What should be in a Tweet?” Here is an overview (keeping it short and sweet like a tweet) to start with, when it comes to what to have in a tweet. In a tweet, you have only got 280 characters, which is less space compared to other social media postings.

So for example when you Tweet:

  • When you tweet you could ask a question, maybe add your thoughts or say where you are, for example at an event.
  • Tag a relevant person who might be with you or you want to notify, a business or location you are at is good too.
  • Select one or two relevant hashtags (3 max.).
  • Don’t forget the emojis for your tone of voice (those little icons which show if it’s a happy, sad or serious tweet).
  • For more engagement add a photo, or a video or event a GIF (they can be such fun!). You have the opportunity to tag more people in the photo rather than the caption of the tweet. If you add a video or GIF you can’t tag as you can in a photo, so tag in the caption.
  • As a call to action add a link, but add a shortened link if you want someone to click through to a website, blog, video or social media post, use Bitly to shorten your link as long links take up lots of valuable space.
What to have in a Tweet best content FIT Social Media marketing tips

To wrap up…

All in all, when it comes to tweeting, mix it up and see which you get the most engagement from! If you would like help with your Twitter presence let me know I would be happy to help you. You can get in touch here.

Thanks for reading! If you would like more tips why not follow me on FacebookTwitterInstagram and LinkedIn. I also co-host a radio show called “Let’s Get Social” on Dublin South FM where we talk about social media for business simply.

Tags:Social Media Consultancy | social media consultancy meath | social media consultant | social media consultant meath | social media consultations | Social Media for Business Training | social media trainer meath | Social Media Training | Social Media Training Trim Meath | Tweeting | Tweets | Twitter Chats | Twitter for beginners | Twitter for Business | Twitter Training

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