So you’re trying to be inspired and innovative when it comes to your online presence between writing a blog, creating a vlog, putting out a podcast and having great images, and that’s just content for your website! Then you have to think about content for your social media… When it comes to getting content inspiration, here are a few ideas you might not always think of, look at things like saving posts on Facebook for using later, create Twitter Lists of people/businesses/trends in your industry and you can see what is being tweeted and can retweet too. Instagram being visual is a go-to for inspiration when it comes to images and videos, and for ideas look at Instagram stories and of course relevant hashtags.

Then when it comes to Google you have lots of options, for example, you have Google Trends (can see what is trending) and Google Alerts (can set topic alerts) which are great sources. You can search for ideas for content using Google, it’s amazing the ideas you can come up with! And don’t forget the related search term results at the bottom of the first results page.
Social Media Inspiration Events
Going to events in your industry can be a great way to be inspired too! For the latest events, I like to check out Eventbrite. I recently attended the Dublin Tech Summit 2018 and was really inspired and innovated by what I saw, heard and who I met. Now I will put my hand up and say I am not the most techie person in the world, but there were speakers at the event I do follow, such as Casey Neistat and Kevin Mako, who I was eager to see. As the event unfolded, the stories and people behind the stories showed that ideas can become a reality and how these people can engage you to follow them on social media and see their story unfold. For example, Ailbhe Keane, Founder of Izzy Wheels. Ailbhe’s sister, Izzy, uses a wheelchair. Ailbhe had a college project to do and came up with the idea of interchangeable wheel covers for wheelchairs. Ailbhe wanted to design covers, which could be customised with different designs, weather-proof, light-weight and easily changed for the wheelchair user. So “Izzy Wheels” was born. The images and videos posted on their social media are vibrant and bright, which is engaging and have you waiting with anticipation for what they will post next.

To conclude…
Remember when it comes to your content, you have to look at how to stay relevant/current and be consistent, do your research, engage with your audience, show your creativity, remember your “WHY” and be open to change! If you would like to read more about some of the other inspirational stories at The Dublin Tech Summit 2018 click “here” to find out what else I found out! Contact me if you would like social media training.