How can I help you with social media?

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“How can I help you?”  Isn’t that a question most people get asked when they go into business premises or on the phone and hopefully they do get assisted.  “How can they help me?”  As I am sure you are aware all too often, it is usually by someone who doesn’t really care about what […] ...

Help Social Media Eimer Duffy FIT Social Media

“How can I help you?”  Isn’t that a question most people get asked when they go into business premises or on the phone and hopefully they do get assisted.  “How can they help me?”  As I am sure you are aware all too often, it is usually by someone who doesn’t really care about what you need, but more about what they can get you to buy into. True?

“People buy from people they know, like and trust… True?”

  Why buy from someone who you aren’t too sure about, makes you feel a bit deflated. I have always shopped around, just to be sure. Don’t know if that’s my dad in my head, but I always think best to be sure. True? Especially when buying something that is important for your home and your family.  I feel as a mum to three children living in County Meath, I always like to make sure I have bought something from someone, who I feel I can trust, especially locally!   Having taken a career break, I used to think to be a full-time Mum couldn’t be a challenge compared to working in the “Go Go” world of marketing.  Well, I have to say, I have acquired a lot of skills in that time… ones that I could never have acquired in the work environment, such as understanding family dynamics and how children see the world. Let’s say if you can negotiate with a demanding three year old, especially in public and still keep your cool, then you can take on anything!   I have always been interested in learning new things and while all my kids were on the road to walking and talking, I took a keen interest in social media. I decided to up-skill and returned to college.  I have noticed, that there are a lot of small businesses, which are such an asset to the county. But some are not making the most of their online presence. It can be a minefield and be overwhelming if you are not social media savvy and I totally understand that. It’s like trying to do your accounts yourself when you know you are better off having an accountant instead.  Most small businesses owners are wearing lots of different hats to keep their businesses moving forward.  

Get help with social media

I have set up FIT Social Media, which is also a small business so that I can help others with their marketing challenges, can look after their social media management, marketing, provide social media training, and see how I can help.   If you would like to find out more about our social media services, do get in touch “here” and I can see how I can help you with social media.  Talking of which, here are some blogs on social media that might help you also.   Thanks for reading!   Eimer Duffy

Help Social Media Eimer Duffy FIT Social Media
Tags:County Meath | FIT Social Media | Social Media | Social Media and Kids | Social Media for Business | Social Media for Parents | Social Media Marketing | Trim

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