All set for my first in person exhibition in over two years- the “The National Funeral Exhibition” in the UK. It’s next month on Friday 10th June until Sunday 12th June 2022. The National Association of Funeral Directors’ leading Funeral conference and exhibition NFE2022.
The National Funeral Exhibition UK
The National Funeral Exhibition (NFE2022) is the largest UK Funeral exhibition. It is in the “NAEC” National Agricultural and Exhibition Centre, Stoneleigh Park. Held every two years, the last event was in 2019. Unfortunately 2021 cancelled due to Covid) but all is good for this year. The 2019 event had over 4,500 people and no doubt there will be a great turnout this year. With Funeral specialists exhibiting the A-Z in highest quality Funeral products and services. It is going to be the funeral exhibition you will not want to miss. And informative and educational seminars held across the three days. It will definitely be a very engaging experience. The hashtag is #NFE2022 so do make sure to include that in your social media posts and tweets. Especially before, during and after the exhibition.

My Journey
This is my first time at the exhibition. I have to say it was great to have Jane Lawerance, Event Operations Manager as a contact. She gave great advice and support with registering and answered all my questions.
I have been following and connecting with some of the exhibitors ahead of the exhibition. It has been great to hear all about the previous conferences and exhibitions. And everyone I have spoken with has been so generous and helpful. I am looking forward to visiting the stands and finding out about what everyone provides. And hearing about all the latest updates. And when the event opens it will be great to meet everyone over the three days.
Heading over on Thursday 9th June and then over to NAEC to get set up ahead of the first day, Friday. I am travelling with two ladies I work with on various projects Helena Gilhooly and Vikki Keenan.
Let’s Get Social
And the icing on the cake for me is… being invited to present and speak on the topic of “Social Media and How Can It Help Grow Your Funeral Business?” So if you have any questions do let me know and I can add those to the presentation.
And if you are attending do drop over and say “Hello”. We will be in HALL 1 on STAND 36 during the three days. Do follow me on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Linkedin. It would be great to connect with you ahead of going. And yes lots of posting and tweeting would be great. Let’s all use the hashtag #NFE2022. And we can get The National Funeral Exhibition trending on social media. And you will raise the visibility of your social profiles too.
Whether you are a Funeral Director, Celebrant or Specialist Supplier to the Funeral Industry and are still thinking about attending, do get your ticket and come along.
Would you like some further information?
If you would like to have a chat about your online presence click here and find a date and time to suit you. If you would like to check out what I do click here. I’ve some resources here such as blogs, radio show/podcast and my Hashtag Handbook to download.
Thanks for reading and hope to see you at The National Funeral Exhibition 2022.