I am in the business of helping my clients through training, management and marketing gain a good online presence and help widen their reach with their social media and websites. I have found myself, that blended marketing with an online and offline approach, is the way to ensure you reach as many people as possible.
Get business notice online
So you have your website and are on a few different social media platforms (remember you don’t need to be on all of them). Depending on your business, certain social media platforms are suitable and some are not. To see what works look at the analytics for each of the social media platforms you are on and see which ones have most engagement. Here are a few ways to get you started when it comes to social media. Widen your online organic reach, such as local and relevant groups to your business or industry on Facebook and LinkedIn. For example, I am in a local Facebook group called Meath Small Businesses, for small business owners in County Meath. When it comes to Twitter try Twitter Chats. A Twitter chat is a public Twitter conversation around one unique hashtag. This hashtag allows you to follow the discussion and participate in it. Twitter chats are usually recurring and on certain topics to regularly connect people with these interests. Following and using specific hashtags on Instagram or Twitter will widen your reach and there are various hashtag tools, for example, all-hashtag.com and hashtagify.me which will help you find the best ones for you. Apart from using Ads on the different social media platforms or Google Ads to get your business noticed, you could look at other online advertising sites, for example, now that Christmas is on the horizon you could like advertising on Dublin Winter Wonderland which is focused on getting small businesses discovered online through the Christmas and New Year period.

Get business notice offline
Then there are other opportunities such as ads and interviews on Radio, TV, Newspapers, Local Newspapers, Industry related Articles and Magazines. Getting out and meeting people “face to face” is still a great option. So have a look at attending networking events, local events or speaking at an event. Working with a charity which I have and still work with. Look at joining offline groups like a Chamber of Commerce to meet other small business owners and potential customers. People buy from people and by getting out and about, you can show people who you are and what your business is about, which helps potential customers get to know, like and trust you. Don’t forget to have enough business cards, flyers and samples of products to show and share. Nothing worse than being out at an event and running out of your marketing materials.

All in all, I have found the blend of online and offline is the best way to get a business noticed. Remember not everyone is on social media. You’ll get people interested in what your products and services are. If they are on social media, you’ll gain more followers on social media, which will help with your brand awareness. With all your endeavours with offline and online, it will help drive traffic to your website or gain more footfall through your store with the goal of more sales.
Contact Me Today for info on how I can help you.