FIT Social Media Terms and Conditions

Getting in touch with FIT Social Media:

  • Contacting FIT Social Media by telephone is strictly between 9.30am and 5.30pm, Monday to Friday (excluding Holidays) on the phone or text.
  • Contact also can be via email at
  • Face-to-face discussion, Zoom calls, video calls, telephone or email are all options available for communication will be arranged at a mutually convenient time during business hours.
  • Clients of FIT Social Media will find me contactable throughout the year at reasonable times, and will advise clients if and when either on holidays or sick.

Consultations, Training and subscription services charges with FIT Social Media:

  • Exploration Chats are FREE up to 30 minutes.
  • If you require longer then a booked consultation or series of consultations are required and can be booked online with a 50% deposit to secure your booking.
  • Power Hours are a combination of Social Media consultations/mentoring and training and like these services quotes will be provided depending on the package chosen. All can be booked online with a 50% deposit to secure your booking or an invoice can be issued with payment required one week ahead of the session via bank transfer.
  • One to One training, Pairs (2 people) can be booked online with a 50% deposit to secure your booking or an invoice can be issued with payment required one week ahead of the session via bank transfer.
  • All group training and workshops can be booked online with a 50% deposit to secure your booking or an invoice can be issued with payment required one week ahead of the session via bank transfer.
  • The outstanding 50% cost is payable on the final day of consultation, one to one (and paired) training, group training/workshops and enhancement services.
  • Regarding 6 month or 12 month subscription programmes these begin the date of the first session and payments will be ongoing each month for the period of either 6 or 12 months dependent on programme selected.

Quotes with FIT Social Media:

  • All new clients will be given a quote, dependent on the size of a proposal, etc within 3-5 working days unless advised otherwise.
  • All quotations are FREE and provided based at least in part, on information provided by the client. If any of the information provided by the client is shown to be incorrect whether accidentally or otherwise, FIT Social Media reserves the right to pass on any resulting additional costs incurred to the client.
  • Quotes for workshops will transparent with specifying preparation cost fee and delivery cost fee.
  • Unless specifically referred to, the latest quote sent to the client shall be regarded as the agreed fee for the business.  All quotes are valid for up to three months.

Reschedules and Cancellations with FIT Social Media:

  • If you wish to reschedule you are required a minimum of 48 hours notice. If rescheduled within 24 hours then that consultation is payable. If FIT Social Media requires a reschedule I will ensure you are given at least 24 hours notice.
  • If you need to cancel a consultation you are required to give up to 48 hours notice. If cancelled within 24 hours then that consultation is payable. If FIT Social Media requires a cancellation I will ensure you are given at least 24 hours notice.
  • If you wish to cancel the agreement and payments within 5 business days of the date indicated you may do so for a full 100% refund of any monies paid less the cost of any services delivered such as prep for the session/workshop/enhancement. This refund is only available if services have not commenced in any way rendering any refund void.

Information on Securing A Booking and Payments with FIT Social Media

  • As mentioned previously, the exploration chat is FREE.
  • To secure further consultations, power hours or training services you are required to book online ahead of the consultation secured with a 50% deposit at the time of booking via booking online (unless otherwise agreed) or an invoice can be issued with payment required one week ahead of the session via bank transfer.
  • One to One and Paired Training Programme clients will be issued an invoice or series of invoices dependent on agreement and are secured with a 50% deposit at the time of booking via booking online (unless otherwise agreed) or an invoice can be issued with payment required one week ahead of the session via bank transfer.
  • Group Training or Workshops are half day or full day are secured with a 50% deposit at the time of booking via booking online (unless otherwise agreed) or an invoice can be issued with payment required one week ahead of the session via bank transfer
  • If there is an outstanding 50% cost is payable on the final day of consultation, one to one (and paired) training, group training/workshops and enhancement services.
  • All services are exclusive of 23% VAT.
  • On payment a receipt will be issued and sent via email.
  • In regard to payment of invoices – Payment due on last day of the month following the one in which the invoice is dated – maximum 30 days after invoice date

Things which FIT Social Media does:

  • As mentioned previously, I do partner with other experts who I work alongside as a project partner.
  • I provide social media consultancy, social media mentoring and social media training with businesses which require an emotional and compassionate tone of voice.
  • Will always be fully transparent, keep you up to date with any changes and provide you with the very best services possible.

Things which FIT Social Media does not do:

  • Does not run courses in Google AdWords or social media ads and any other content creation or website development, but can direct you to experts in that field.
  • Does not provide social media management services.
  • Does not show you how to hide your social media profiles.

Overall with FIT Social Media:

  • FIT Social Media will do its very best to ensure the accuracy of all aspects services are met.
  • Regarding rescheduling or cancellations both the client and FIT Social Media will give 24 hours notice by phone and email.
  • Please note, we are all human and capable of error. FIT Social Media will always try to be honest and hope to return to you with solutions if a mistake is made by FIT Social Media.
  • We endeavour to provide the best service to our clients as we respect their businesses and would appreciate acceptance of our terms and conditions.
  • The terms and conditions can be updated when required and clients will be informed in writing with 30 days notice.

The Terms and Conditions can be updated when required and clients will be informed in writing with 30 days notice.

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