Paula Clinch, R H Faulkner & Daughter

Home | Funeral Services Reviews | Paula Clinch, R H Faulkner & Daughter

Rating : ★★★★★

Paula Clinch of R H Faulkner & Daughter

Paula Clinch: “Today I had an invaluable Teams meeting with the amazing Eimer Duffy from FIT Social Media, following an audit of our online profiles, we were supplied with a professional video, allowing us to see where we need to improve things. Thank you Eimer.”

Tags: FIT Social Media | Paula Clinch | Paula Clinch funeral | R H Faulkner | R H Faulkner & Daughter | R H Faulkner and Daughter | review fit social media | social media consultant | Social Media for Business | Social Media for Business Training | Social Media Training


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